Introducing the REMBE® GSME Pyrolysis Gas Detector

Explosion safety begins with explosion prevention! Particularly plants that are at risk of explosive dust must frequently be provided with explosion protection measures, as ignition sources are often unavoidable. In addition to electrostatic phenomena and mechanically generated functions, the most frequent ignition sources are glowing embers, open flames and hot surfaces. The REMBE® GSME Pyrolysis Gas Detector (“GSME”) has been developed for the early identification of combustion reactions, which can allow you to locate and remove ignition sources before they lead to an explosion.
The GSME is a semi-conductor based gas detection system which has integrated intelligent evaluation. The detector was designed to measure and detect Hydrogen (H2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Hydrocarbons (HC) and Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) concentrations. The GSME detects pyrolysis processes of solid material (organic and/or inorganic), as the above mentioned gases are usually imitated during such processes. Hence, the GSME can essentially detect smouldering and ignition sources that could develop into a fire.
The GSME works by detecting the above mentioned gases at a range between 0-100 ppm, a value far below their Lower Explosive Limit (“LEL”). For context, the LEL of Hydrogen is at 4%, which is approximately 40000 ppm. Therefore, the GSME is not a simple LEL measurement device, as it can detect the gases at concentrations far lower than their LEL.
To optimize the GSME’s durability and lifetime, it works in “measurement cycles” of 30 seconds, as within 30 seconds, the semiconductors in the GSME are heated for cleaning to get a clear measurement again. Hence, the GSME delivers a results within 30 seconds!
The GSME can be used in dust collectors, silos, belt conveyors, elevators, chain conveyors, shredders, mills, chutes, etc., and can be set to consider the air exchange rate inside a given vessel and adjust its readings accordingly. It is ATEX and IECEx certified, and can be used in conjunction with plant control units/computers.
For more information on the REMBE® GSME Pyrolysis Gas Detector (“GSME”), contact our experts today!