The ESCO GEAR COUPLINGS – F SERIES is made up of two hubs with exterior multi crowns and two flanged sleeves with straight internal teeth. It is a grease-filled, torsionally-resistant coupling. High-strength fitting bolts and nuts with corrosion protection are used to bolt the flanged sleeves together. The sleeve is attached to the other side of the flange by an endcap, which is internal for small couplings and screwed for larger couplings, and has an O-ring for sealing. The ESCO gear coupling was created to prevent fretting corrosion between these faces by transmitting the torque between these two flanges through friction.
The hub and sleeve’s teeth are constantly in touch with one another and have been built with enough backlash to allow for axial, parallel, and angular misalignment within their misalignment capability. The gear tooth design governs the angular and parallel misalignment capacity, which is limited to 1.5° degrees (2 x 0.75°) for the basic ESCO gear. The axial misalignment capacity is limited by the gear teeth length in the sleeve and can be varied (optionally). Most gear couplings are composed of carbon steel Ck45 (AISI 1040). Higher alloy steel, such as 42CrMo4QT, can be used for larger torque capacity within the same coupling size (optionally). Only double engagement type couplings are capable of accommodating parallel misalignment.
The ESCOGEAR F series is Robust and trustworthy, With a maximum torque of 5,040,000 Nm, it is perfect for addressing the unique needs of different rotating equipment machines in a variety of sectors.

The ESCOGEAR F – series offers:
- The coupling can function under situations of coupled load, speed, and misalignment because of its high torque capacity and significant angular misalignment
- Choosing a coupling is simpler
- elevated bore capacity
- Lightweight
- Guaranteed long coupling life and the finest manufacturing quality
- A Multicrown gear shape
- Absolutely homokinetic torque transmission
- Reduced backlash
- Exceptional gear top centering
- Zinc-coated body fitted flange connection bolts avoiding fretting corrosion in the flange bores
- Outstanding component protection