Case Study – DuPont™ Kalrez® Gaskets Proven to Extend Service Life for Process Instruments!

DuPont™ Kalrez® Gaskets

Image Credit: Kalrez® parts extend service life for Process Instrument: Case Study. Dupont. (n.d.).

DuPont™ Kalrez® parts have been proven to extend the service life of process instruments over and over again.

At K-Patents Oy, Vantaa, Finland, a decision was made to replace PTFE seals with DuPont™ Kalrez® Gaskets in the sensor head of a process instrument refractometer (“PR-01-S refractometer”) used by the food, paper, pulp, and chemical industries.

The PR-01-S refractometer was exposed to temperatures from -20°C to +200°C with pressures between -0.7 bar to +25 bar. The PR-01-S refractometer was also exposed to as many as 500 process fluids comprising of different chemicals and had two gaskets in the sensor head to protect the delicate digital circuitry from being corroded by aggressive process media.

The original PTFE gaskets could not withstand the dynamic temperature fluctuations and were constantly getting eroded, hence allowing the process media to damage the sensor head and necessitating costly repairs. However, due to the elasticity and outstanding chemical resistance of the new Kalrez® gaskets, as well as their superior heat-resistant performance, the Kalrez® gaskets achieved a service life of as much as 10 years without leakage! This led to a direct return of investment for the customer, as the costly repair of the PR-01-S refractometer had been reduced significantly.

To know more about conversion to DuPont™ Kalrez® parts for your process instruments, contact our experts today!

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